Township warns Financial Disclosure non-filers.

My August 18, 2015 article noted that eight members of the Fairfield Township Planning and Zoning Board as well as the Township Engineer had not filed their 2015 Financial Disclosure Statements which were due on April 30, 2015. On August 24, 2015, Township Clerk Linda M. Gonzalez sent all nine officials certified letters advising them that failure to file by September 11, 2015 will cause an unnamed citizen (actually, it's me) to "consider filing Local Finance Board complaints or taking other action against the non-filers at that time."

Also, I was informed by Township Administrator Darryl Davis informed me that Planning and Zoning Board Secretary Latrenee Richardson and JIF Commissioner Nate S. Dunn, who did not reveal their sources of income on their Financial Disclosure Statements, will update or re-file their forms.